My name is Emily. When I was 5 months old I was diagnosed with cancer. They told my parents I wouldn't make it to my first birthday. I, fortunately, was recovered by age of 1. Skipping foward to 6th grade, I decided that I would do anything to be popular. Ive always been a major introvert, which didn't fit in well with my schools standards of 'popular'. I got in with the wrong crowd. I was physically, mentally, and verbally abused. I began to harm myself because the leader of the group harmed herself and got a lot of attention from it. In seventh grade I realized I had made a huge mistake, so I began to harm myself and this time not for attention. This went on for about 2 and a half years. Until the middle of 9th grade when i decided that enough was enough. I was going to get better. Now I am graduating from 10th grade in a week. I am 4 months clean. I may still be recovering, but Im getting there. And Im proud of how far Ive gotten so far. I didnt come this far just to come this far. I will succeed in my seqrch for happiness someday someday, and until that day, I will fight for my life.
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This website is for support & discussion only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional counseling nor a suicide hotline. To reach a national suicide hotline, please call 1-800-273-8255.
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Em -- you are so strong and so amazing